I didn’t know I needed this, but I did. And it couldn’t have been a more beautiful start to my birthday, so thank you for this Avan. Cheers to a quarter of a century to me 🥂 and cheers to your grace, your thoughts, and emerging from whatever it is you feel you are are losing at now (and tbh, all the things I am losing at too). Cheers to grace 🍻

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Beautiful. I just had a talk like this with my mom. I come from a hard working blue collar family. My parents worked 2 jobs when we were growing up so they can provide for us. Now that my siblings and I are grown we repay them. In small ways sure but enough for them to know they raised decent hardworking kids to being decent hardworking people. I know what it’s like to be on the losing end so this story hit so close to home. But as you said never change who you are. Because who you are right now is a successful, inspiring actor, musician and writer and a lot of people look up to you. Whether you know who we are or not. 💗

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What a beautiful sentence. Hear hear to your grace and I hope you never lose it. Love your thoughts x

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Ok. You changed my day. 😊👍🏾

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this is so relevant rn thx 🤝🤝

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I don't know how to express these feelings within me right now, but I'd just like to thank you for sharing this with others. They say a picture paints a thousand words, but your words speak volumes. 🖤

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this was beautiful

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This was a really heart-warming poem. It was a much needed timely reminder to not lose myself…thank you sincerely.

…Also, you being a mixed being, is an example of universal love… And that makes you a whole person in itself.

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I think it’s very important that we lift one another up here in the community of just typing and expressing ourselves .. I love everyone here in this internet space of matrix matrixing. I can feel the shifts in the mass awakening. It is very interesting how America wants to have such control over oils and mines and hands of eyes that dwell in the timelessness of the truth in the situations that occur. Maybe one wouldn’t have time to open a book for thou is soursering on here.

“‘A simple prayer from Hawaii

The word ho'oponopono roughly translates to:

"cause things to move back in balance" or to "make

things right.’"

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this is so beautiful. its so raw. it kind of has a slight take on sonder. you never know what one is going through but you pull through to be there for them. sometimes the other person has no idea what you’re going through but you’re still there with your lively energy and genuine support.

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Avan, this truly brings tears to my eyes, especially the line about the parents and their children. This is a very beautiful piece that you should be very very proud of. It actually reminds of a character in my book. It's more of a book in progress actually. Anyway my character, who was inspired by you, shines through this work right here. He had the grace to comfort his beloved even as he's being physically tortured, the grace to ease her pain even in his own suffering, the grace to offer words of reassurance even when he knows that everything isn't going to okay. Avan, I am amazed at this powerful piece or writing. Keep putting it out there. The world needs more writers like you! 💛

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Thank you for sharing. Yes, grace, gratitude, even kindness are more visible when we are winning at life, either financially, in health or existentially.

When things aren't going your way or haven't gone your way in a while, those things are still there, just harder to pick up on.

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This is the sign I needed to remind myself of what grace looks like and how I can and am allowed to give myself grace in this jumbo middle of the woods inconsistency of a life. Growth comes in so many shapes, sizes, levels. Gracias!

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Oof, this was the post for me. I always was hard on myself for choosing to give grace when people (who even though they had a more privileged life than I had) would try to explain to me about people who had it rough. I’m like damn des why didn’t stick up for yourself and tell them “you don’t have to explain to me how hard life is”. Idk maybe it’s because I was raised to be kind and try to understand other peoples experiences. But yeah all of this “virtue signaling” Hollywood and even society does is played out. Until people actually experience what’s it’s like to struggle to make ends meet, they need to really learn to exercise humility and listen more than talk. Thanks for this post!

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Relevant daily as i’m constantly in the motions of losing and winning. Recently spoke up for a raise (after months) that i was supposed to receive and never got. Gracious to a fault?

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The joy of help you give to others will be returned to you and that's the greatest gift.

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