Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

fuck it, lets waltz while the world burns is definitely making an appearance in my journal

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

Live for as long as you can, love as much as you can. We're all going to die, make the journey to the grave as loving as you can.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

I think your point of view of sadness is pretty interesting as a lot of people tend to think our generations are more depressed than any other before us. It’s funny because elders tend to make everything about a lazy and self-conscious generation but I like to believe that as all animals we all have empathy. Indeed at differents level but I feel like at some point there is this bond that makes a lot of us empathic even if we have different lives and experiences, maybe the secret of living together is this capacity of being empathetic. As you’re not alone with this melancholic feeling that all young generations tend to have, maybe you can find beauty in it

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

I like to think that even if all that remains is dust, something in the air will tell we were here. Does it matter who bears witness? If we love, and have been loved?

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Didn't realize I needed to read this until I read it.

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Sadness is beautiful because it reveals to our eyes all that is hidden deep inside: pain, despair, scars, heavy secrets... melancholy makes us appreciate calmness and makes us accept the duality of life... sorrow, sadness and pain are part of Who we are. It is beautiful.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

"Humans seem to be programmed to think of ambivalent feelings at the same time. That is the driving force behind human beings: to be the warrant of all things and to control other worlds"- RM

But "leaving without passion is like being dead"- Jungkook.

Try to do your best despite the current struggle and hindrances. It's ok also to slow down, take some deep breath, stop and reflect a bit. Follow your own agenda keeping in mind the most important is your mental and physical health. We are not supposed to be perfect therefore I don't think we are weak if we are surrounded by darkness, maybe we need to make the darkness some kind of "friend" we manage to tame in order to find back the path of light. Anyways Take care of yourself.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

Reading it, it's deep. I think about things too. So much going on, not knowing which way to go. Holding onto to what? Make a person give up easy, but to live, live for yourself and for the one you love because death can come at anytime.

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No because I feel this. Like I haven’t been sad, I just listen to sad songs. Sadness is contagious, and that’s why I try to stay away from a lot people.

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I’ll write something not smart)

... my night has begun

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

i absolutely agree, the last years were roigh but we've got this and i so love the quote "let's waltz while the world burns"

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I‘ve always had a strong bond to melancholic feelings and always thought there is a very raw form of art intertwined with melancholy. Just like there is light in the dark of the night. And your writing just proves this. There is something really calming and heartwarming about this text driven by melancholy.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

I'm always a positive person, even though the last couple of years have been difficult and sad: I've always looked at the brighter side of life: like living life to the full and loving everyone and everything around you as much as possible. We maybe insignificant in terms of the planet, but we can do a lot of positive work to ensure what we do for the planet and each other is significant

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Can't wait to be radioactive jelly. :)

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

Very well put and very relatable. It really is as if everyone my age has decided to collectively say fuck it, let’s do whatever makes us happy and content while the world burns around us because it feels like it’s been burning for most of our lives. I mean…shit I’m 24 and was only 3 when 9/11 happened and ever since it seems like it’s been disaster after disaster. I feel like it’s made me numb. I’m sure others could say the same. “Fuck it, let’s waltz while the world burns.” That quote will definitely stay with me I think.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Avan Jogia

Whenever i feel this way, i have a thought that maybe having a morning routine to stick to would help…. but i never go through with it because I know the next morning I’ll once again be scrolling away with the same heaviness of the initial feeling.

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