Mar 9Liked by Avan Jogia

I’m going to start saying I’m about to auto defenstrate

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Mar 9Liked by Avan Jogia

Dear Avan,

I have really enjoyed seeing your words pop up in my inbox this week. This is a lovely look at language. What stands out to me is the juxtaposition of words like cimmerian and berceuse. I am reminded of a quotation from Picture Us in the Light by Kelly Loy Gilbert: “If nothing else there's a comfort in knowing someone's holding space in their own life for what's hurting you. That's the thing that makes life bearable sometimes, I think: that you can feel more than one thing at a time, that it floods into you from so many directions at once.” What a comforting thought that such darkness and gentleness can coexist.


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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

A few Hungarian words that I like

Csend/Csönd - Silence

Katlan - fireplace

Felhő - cloud

Odaadó - devoted

Grund ( Ferenc Molnár

The Paul Street Boys - I recommend this book to everyone)

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I thought I was the only one that had a list of words they liked.

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We shall spread word number 4

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Audiate - to "sound out" (literally) as a means of exploration/investigation. To use sound (as opposed to sight) as a means of thinking.

As a sound studies scholar this invaluable word that we almost take for granted makes its way into nearly every conversation I'm in!

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Petrichor- the smell of rain

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I love these words especially echolalia and eunoia, well I'll just have to start using them i.e. echolalia, there's a lot of people I know do that lol

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Thank you for sharing interesting words :) I’m learning English literature and linguistics in college now, nevertheless these words are more enjoyable and interesting ! Wanna know more words that u like or how you use these words in sentence..

Anyway, always appreciate and love your writings ❤️

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Wow, I really like “panchreston” - one word to describe such a specific but also universally understood concept tickles my brain so nicely. Thank you for sharing, it’s been a pleasure to get your little posts in my inbox after a long time.

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This was really enjoyable, thanks!

It was interesting that the chosen words are either Greek (and I don't mean just their etymology, but the whole package!) or come from Latin (apart from the French one).

As a Greek myself (and fearing that my comment is going to give "My big, fat, Greek wedding" vibes) I am adding two words coming from the Greek mythology for anyone interested.

"Galaxy": the word galaxy, a.k.a. the Milky Way, comes from the Greek word for milk, gala (γάλα). So, according to the myth, the Milky Way was created by Zeus’s baby son, Heracles, after he tried suckling on his step-mother’s milk while she was sleeping. When Hera woke up and realised that she was breastfeeding a baby that was not her own, she pushed it away, causing her milk to spurt into the universe (insert vivid image!)

"Hermaphrodite": Hermaphrodite was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who, somehow, couldn’t be bothered and find a better name for their child. As the most handsome man in the word, Hermaphrodite became an object of affection for a nymph called Salmacis who wished for eternal love. The gods answered her prayers by joining the two lovers in one body.

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These words are so beautiful! I want to use them in my vocabulary!

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Interesting words...

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A word I like:

Ebullient - cheerful and full of energy.


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Nunca en la vida me he preguntado que palabra me gusta

Veo que tu acervo es muy amplio


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