Mar 30Liked by Avan Jogia

This is like getting punched in the face twice and then a sweet forehead kiss

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Mar 30Liked by Avan Jogia

Assimilate grates on me the same way inclusion does. The Borg on Star Trek assimilate things. It is violent consumption with reckless disregard for the beauty others. Perhaps one day we humans will evolve to the point of cherishing the differences among us and being awed by our own diversity.

Please keep writing whenever time and inclination allow. You’re quite good at it and this world needs your voice. ☮️

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It’s as raw as it is heartbreaking. Hands that pray, break, work and love. 💔

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Idk what has gotten into me to start reading these kind of words, but now I just realize why. After reading and absorbing, a familiar feeling came to me. Solace.

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As a first generation Guatemalan in America this made me feel so sad tbh. Really beautifully worded.

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The way people string together words so perfectly.. I'm equally jealous and in awe .

What's the secret to people's minds working this wayyy?? 🥲

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I was just in shock because I kind of related to this one

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Recognized the last one from do you love me :)

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This is like the feeling before a panic attack and then the sudden relief.

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Maybe he was from Kerala

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when I read these words, I traveled through the memories of my grandmother's stories. when she and my grandfather with three children left Sardinia to go to France. My grandfather was a miner. Marginalized, forced to live on the outskirts of the city, in houses too small for a family that continued to grow, with a salary that was barely enough to feed everyone.

I never found the courage to write this story in full. But maybe thanks to your book and your poems, one day I will...

Thank you for opening my soul once again

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You know this week I was thinking something like someone was talking to me with a Hindu accent, I was laughing but at the same time I was thinking about how many differences there are, but when they talk about the Hindu I only think of tranquility, wisdom and truth, and that we are all here surviving with different accent hmmm, Hindus have great wisdom, they know how to touch the body to love, and reach a total climate of pleasure, I am talking about spiritual concentration and connection of k-a-m-a bodies. stra 🤭 in strange places we kill our beliefs and join our hands to be grateful for what we think we won, looking at it with tenderness as if we were suffering again for what we gained

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That ending gave me chills!

So good, Avan! 🫶🏼

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